The message of this blog post will be slightly different from the others. I felt very strongly that I needed to share with all those who read this an important lesson I learned this week. And that was a lesson on the power of dibs...
The Scene: The shared room of two teenage boys, dimly lit except for the glow of two side by side laptops. In the darkness you can see the outline of both men, waging war over the internet. The room is immensely quiet save for the sounds of the keyboard and mice. [Enter Nate Garlick].
Nate: "Matt, you have some food waiting for you"
Matt Bird looks up, dazed for a moment as he struggles to comprehend the meaning of the words that have just been spoken. He thinks back to the happenings of earlier in the day. [The scene shifts to the exact same room in the exact same conditions, just earlier in the day]
Matt: "Rob, check this out. One of our FHE sisters put up a facebook status saying she wants to give away some food"
Robert Kennedy: "Dude, get on that"
Matt: [typing on facebook] "DIBSSSSS"
[The scene shifts back to the room that time forgot, at the moment of Matt's comprehension]
Matt: "Oh!" He then begins making incomprehensible guttural noises (Seriously though, ask Rob, I was freaking out). He bolts out the door, sees two Tupperware containers of spaghetti, and raises his fist to the air with such force that it's like he was trying to fist bump the Creator. [Fade to black].
Yeahhhh boiii. That's two, Aunt Juilana. And this was no skimpy helping of spaghetti, either. It lasted for my lunch the next day, mine and rob's dinner, and for our dinner the day after that. It was awesome.
I think I'm starting to figure out what college is about. It goes pretty much like this: Go to class, come home and try to survive by getting girls to bring you food. And I know what you're all thinking... "Matt, you got girls to bring you food twice. We know you have to cook for yourself or you'd be dead." Well first off, stop it. This is my blog, I won't have you bringing it down with you're nay-saying. Secondly, yeah, we're able to provide the amount of calories needed to survive daily, but a diet of only quesadillas can't possibly be good for you, so we need the girls to supplement it. Duh.
In case you haven't realized, it was a pretty slow news week. I got ahead in econ just in time for chemistry to catch up to me, so I've been spending some time doing that. I feel like there might be some other story i'm forgetting to tell you, but i'm tired and want to take a nap. I just hope that any other parties involved in the story i'm neglecting either A.) Don't read my blog, or B.) Can forgive me. Whatever.
As for my weekly shout out, Timmy Davis started a blog on the happenings at Idaho State (aka Heathenville). And since i'm a good friend, I'll give you guys the link ( even though he couldn't be bothered to do the same. What the crap, Tim?
Forever young,