Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Break- A Tale in Two Acts

Due to my fixation with the internet, I'm pretty sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that I'm back online within a half hour of getting back from my week long vacation.  It probably does come as a surprise that I'm updating my blog, because I'm awful at it, but hey, live a little and little things like this wouldn't surprise you.  You should actually be proud of yourself, blog audience, because this is the third site that i've gotten on since returning to my regular internet connection.  The first was Facebook (because I'm addicted), then Gmail (out of habit), then you guys (because I care).
The truck- After the flip and subsequent explosion
This week was pretty sweet. Memories were made, lives were lost, etc. First of all, I got to see la familia which is always a plus.  Second, on the drive back, I flipped my freaking truck.  I say that like I was involved in the flipping or that it was my truck, neither of which is true, per se. And by per se, I mean at all.  The Kennedy's came down to pick Rob up and were nice enough to take me with them. Then Rob tried to kill me so he could take my bed. And while I'm not one for emotes, I believe this deserves a :(
Rob after the restorative plastic surgery
But no, now that the jokes are done, I'll switch into news reporter mode for those of you who haven't heard what happened.  The roads had been for the most part fine the entire trip, so we were going a cautious 50 when we were about fifty miles outside Burley.  All of a sudden we hit a patch of black ice, slid into the ditch, and rolled the truck once when we hit the bottom.  We all survived, in fact the only battle scar the four who were in the car have to show for our near death experience is a scrape on Rob's forehead.  The truck didn't end up so hot, but you can't win 'em all.  Afterward, Dad came and picked us up from Burley and we drove home for the break.  It's less exciting than the attempted murder story.
I'll report on the rest of the break as soon as I can.  Since I'm awesome, I didn't do any of my homework and now have to do that before I go to bed.  I also have to unpack, as well as participate in my routine partying.  Looks like a busy night.

Talk to ya'll later,
Matthew T. Bird, signing off

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hey There, Delilah (Title Credit goes to Maddy Cleveland)

Guys, I have some bad news. There is the distinct possibility that I am actually dead and my corpse has been reanimated for the sole purpose of telling you why.  Yesterday, for family home evening, we went "Classic Skating" as a ward.  And as it turns out, when you're in college, classic skating actually means "spend the first 20 minutes remembering how to skate, then try to do crazy stunts with your equally crazy roommate." The stunt of choice for the night was the one me and Mark perfected, in which I would take a wide skating stance and he would skate through my legs.  Keep in mind that I'm using the term skate through my legs loosely in this context. What I actually mean is that he would start to skate through my legs, clip me in the knees with his shoulders, and I'd fall over backward. Various parts of my body are sore as I type this, including but not limited to all of it.

Additionally, me and Rob ran out of food this week.  Meaning that I still have my massive stores of canned food under my bed, but we ran out pasta and tortillas, effectively making it impossible to eat. And yes, you could say, "Matt, you could just cook up some of the canned food you were talking about..." and I'd say, "Point conceded." I could cook up some of the canned food I was talking about... if I had no soul.  A man shouldn't have to work for his dinner, people.

Let's knock some bookkeeping out of the way.  Next week, I may or may not post, depending on how lazy I get.  Everyone who reads my blog is going to see me. Except for the random guy in the Netherlands who has viewed my blog 6 times.  That's right man, I don't know who you are, but I'm still thinking about you. I'll think about it and get back to ya'll.

Final stories to tell: Nope, got nothing. It's good to be back to the blogging business after a short hiatus. The prodigal son returneth.

Catch ya on the flip side,
Matty, in the flesh

P.S. Not actually in the flesh. It's digital, guys.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Part II

Guess who's back, back again. Answer: Matt Bird.  To finish the tale of how six boys remodeled their house to reflect their wild and crazy lifestyle.  Let's do this.

Obviously the biggest thing we've done to our dorm is the wallpapering of the kitchen.  And to respond to the numerous questions I've fielded, no the boxes don't smell, nor are we destroying the walls in any way.  We're professionals.  The way this whole escapade got started was... I don't really know.  All I know is that one day I was sitting in my room with Rob when Mark comes barging in demanding any food boxes we might have.  Happily we obliged him (who are we to withhold trash from our roommate?), and eventually found out that there's a competition with the boys in 24.  Something about finishing our kitchen and loser buys the winner a pizza.  So naturally I'm committed to winning this thing, both because my competitive spirit is on steroids (making it angry and huge) and because I don't want to pay for a pizza.  Unfortunately, tortillas and cheese both come in bags, making it difficult for someone who subsists entirely off quesadillas to contribute.  Luckily I'm pretty much a genius.  One day, in a stroke of inspiration, I decided to take out my trash, when I realized that every dumpster in Heritage has two huge recycling bins entirely filled with cardboard the day before trash pickup.  In one day we got five big recycling bins full of cardboard and took a commanding lead.  24 just couldn't pick up the slack.  Sorry guys.

Other than me slacking on putting up a post, you guys haven't missed a whole lot these past couple weeks.  I've just had a massive amount of tests and homework.  Looking forward to the weekend where I can get myself a decent amount of sleep.

Also, I recognize that this post isn't written in my normal style (hilarious and witty, while at the same time smooth and refined).  I decided just to do a reporting post, cuz I don't have a lot of time, and I would rather feel the wrath of a thousand angry suns (namely, the sun on the desert level in SM3) than break a pinkie promise.  I'll go back to writing well next time.

Peace out, ya'll

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Please Keep Your Arms and Legs Inside the Ride at all Times

Well, guys, I feel awful.  It's been a week and a half since my last post.  i don't necessarily feel awful about that, after all, it's my blog and I can do what I want.  However, I did straight up tell Lauretta Kennedy that I'd get a post up yesterday, and promptly forgot.  Lauretta, this one's for you.

Anyways, its good to be back.  I love being able to leave for a couple weeks, come back, and still be the most regular blogger out of my college friends.  You all suck!!(jk <3)!!  But seriously. I can only read my own blog so many times.  I feel like I owe you an explanation for why I've been so lackluster in my updating.  The reason is that I had a totally sweet post planned, but it took me forever to get ready. So I'd delay posting and things sort of spiraled out of control.  But I'm back now, and that's all that matters.  So without further ado, I present to you...

A virtual tour of my dorm! I'll let it sink in for a bit.  I was thinking, "Hey, most people who read this haven't even seen where I live," so I took the initiative (meaning delayed my regularly scheduled posting and took forever to set up my tour) and got ready to introduce you to the guys.

First, we've got the bedroom.  Notable items: Tweety, Jacob Black.  This is where I spend a pretty big portion of my time. And who can blame me? I've got freaking Taylor Lautner's eyes to gaze into.

Second, we've got Nate Garlick/Zach Kroff's bedroom. Notable items: Nate. He was the only one home besides myself when I was taking pictures for this, so he got himself on the Internet.

Finally, we've got the kitchen. Notable items: our freaking box wallpaper, the Wyoming blanket.  Yeah, that's right.  We wallpapered our kitchen with food boxes.  There may or may not have been a competition with the room next door, and we may or may not have completely and utterly wasted them.  Yeah, boi.

But yeah... that's my house.  I've got a couple stories to share on the topic that are coming in a part II post tomorrow, so be on the lookout. I'd share them now, but I've got class in 9 hours.  I'll finish tomorrow, pinkie promise.

As always, keep it real.
The Mattster

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Gather 'Round, Kids, It's Story Time

Bad news, my friends.  The remodel did not get done in time for this post.  It might be because, as a dorm, we are incredibly lazy, or it might be because we have an eye for detail and care about our work.  Think what you will. But hopefully we'll get that update for you fairly soon.

Anyways, let's go sit on the mat, chilluns, because it's story time! I actually have a couple doozies for ya'll today.  The first one happened today.  I was sitting in church, being my usual righteous self, when I took an opportunity to look at the program*, and saw that we had two musical numbers.  Which apparently isn't all that uncommon in Provo.  More uncommon, is when they perform the exact same song.  Whoopsies.  They played my favorite hymn, so I was all for it, but the looks on people's faces when they realized what was happening... priceless.  For those of you unaware, musical numbers in Mormon wards tend to have excessive intros, where you don't really know what song they're about to bust into.  Then they play a couple notes and people have an "Oh! I know what this is" moment.  Today it was followed by an "OH! We just listened to this!" moment. Deja vu, to the max.

*Note: I did not actually look at the program; I was setting the stage for the rest of the story.

Pretty much how we get around now.  And yes, Dad, this picture's for you.
The second story deals with a recent acquisition made by our dorm room.  My roommate, Mark (whom you all met whilst he was half naked and blue a couple posts ago), has a sister who lives pretty close to us, and had a moped that she wasn't using.  Yep, our dorm has a moped.  It's totally sweet, and we drive it everywhere.  For instance, on Friday we went over to our FHE sisters' place for dinner, a grand total of two feet away from our dorm.  So naturally, we took "the Scooter".  After the festivities were over, a couple of girls wanted rides on it, so naturally we obliged.  After Mark dropped off the last girl, and he's coming to pick up me and Rob, we see him barreling toward us, full throttle. Me and Rob look at each other and do the whole "Pft, who's he trying to impress?" look, and realize that Mark isn't stopping.  He hits the sidewalk in front of where me and Rob are standing, and the wheels just peel out in this huge arc and Mark's on the ground.  At this point me and Rob are like, "Crap! We just watched our roommate die" and run over there to listen to his final words.  Turns out he was fine, and the throttle had gotten stuck on top speed.  In hindsight, it was hilarious.

On a final note, to people like me out there... RIP

Keep it real!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

An Announcement of Epic Proportions

Alright ladies and gentlemen, it's the moment you've all been waiting for.  Matt is getting off his lazy butt and posting something on a day that isn't Sunday. *The crowd goes silent for a moment as they try to comprehend the magnitude of what just happened, then breaks into an uproarious applause*

There are two big reasons for this mid week post, so let's dive right in and get to them. The first is that I might've done something bad.  I totally forgot to do my weekly shout out last post.  This one goes to, and its creator, my man, ****** ******. See how I totally saved your secret identity? It was written by a guy in my old ward in Boise, and since he selflessly linked up my blog a couple posts ago, I thought I'd return the favor. It's got some pretty interesting stuff... Scope it out.

Second reason: Update on my dorm remodeling project.  We're about two inches from being done, so if we finish that before Sunday, I'll spend my post covering that. If not, i'll make something up, just like every other week.  Trust me, the reveal will be amazing.

And you can run and tell that, homeboy.

Matticus Maximus

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hipsterism is a Religion to Which You've Got to Be Devout

They're a rare breed
So today I was walking back from class when I saw a sight I'd been looking for, but didn't really ever think I'd see... The BYU Hipster.  For anyone unaware, a hipster is someone who tries way too hard to fit into an era or demographic that they are not currently living in. They're characterized by wearing weirdly matched clothing, paying high prices for clothes they could get at a second hand store for free, and... other things (we'll just say there's a reason hipster and hippie share the same root). Being a debater all through high school, I've probably seen a disproportionate amount of college hipsters in my life, and have been wondering how that trend was going to translate once I got to BYU.  Turns out they're exactly the same, they just have a highly advanced ability to make up excuses for their appearance. When someone asked him about his little goatee and dress, his answer was a simple "Eh, I forgot to shave this morning" (not true, Matt Bird knows what an I-don't-grow-facial-hair goatee looks like. He'd been working on that thing) and he had "just rolled out of bed and threw something on".  Needless to say, it got me some entertainment.

Mom as a child
The big event over the past couple days actually didn't happen to me, per se. My mom tried to burn down the house in Boise, along with everything in it.  Yeah, it surprised me too.  I mean, I thought the normal thing was to sell my stuff, not burn it.  So if anyone knows a good place to keep all of my belongings that I didn't take to college, let me know.
But joking aside, everyone's fine, there was just a lot of smoke and craziness.

As for what I did this week, let's grind this out, because you and I both know that it's the most boring part of my blog.  On Thursday (wait, maybe wednesday... or friday. Imma stick with thursday because you can't call me out for it), I did this thing called "True Blue Football" with my roommate, Mark, and his friend, Claire. The name was highly misleading. I didn't even see a football. However, there was definitely a lot of blue. What it was, was a giant plastic tarp down the side of a hill, that was continuously being sprayed by blue foam, that turned everything it touched this weird, off blue color. So of course any logical thinking college student went down there and rolled around in it. It was pretty awesome.
Mark after being dyed...and showered

Other than that, it just been the pretty typical college week.  Doing homework at the last possible second and taking tests. Our dorm is currently working on a remodeling project and it's very hush-hush, so I can't tell you much about it, but I hope to get some sweet pictures up soon.

And he's out.
Matty B

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Found the Picture Button!!

Heyyy, guys! Remember when I said that I'd get this post up on Sunday and then didn't? Yeah, that was awesome.

Anyway, this is a pretty important post.  It's numero five, which means that I've been updating you guys on college life for an entire month.  Say it with me... Boo Yah!

Yeah, I'm kinda a big deal.

In response to this momentous achievement, I've decided we're gonna change up the way things work here at College: The Blog.  If it ain't broke, mutilate it until it becomes barely recognizable, amirite?  Rather than continue my trend of weekly posting every sunday, I'm going to become a true blogger and post whenever the heck I feel like it.  And if that turns out to be never, I'll come back to the sunday post system.  Because I care. About you.

Unless you know him
And now we return to our regularly scheduled programming. I feel like I owe you guys an explanation in regards as to why you wasted all your time on Sunday waiting for me to post.  I was about four hours away from my computer.  And in Wyoming, so even if I did have my computer, about four hours away from the Internet.  The roommates and I went up there for the weekend to visit Ma and Pa Harris (aka Mark's mom and Dad).  Surprisingly, it made me realize how horribly wrong I was about Wyoming.  More than four people and their dog live there. I didn't see a single canine.  Ba-zing!  But in all reality, it was pretty good times.  I ate real food, which was enough to have me singing praises, and played on the elementary school playground behind Mark's house. Yeah, I'm pretty much the coolest kid you know.

I would talk more about this weekend, but I'm going to be late to my Book of Mormon class soon and I have other stuff to talk about.  Like my struggles. For the past couple weeks, my tuesday schedule has been like this: Sleep through my alarm, run to class at 8, get back home at noon, and make a breakfast burrito to satisfy my stomach.  Every time I think it's a bad idea, and every time I relearn to trust myself.  Scrambled eggs are literally made by getting the egg to stick to the bottom of a pan and then scraping them off. It's how they get fluffy!  Whoever came up with that was an idiot!!  Admittedly, I am a bigger idiot for continuing to make scrambled eggs!!!

But they are oh, so good.


P.s. You guys may have noticed that I found the "insert picture" button.  Suh-weet!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Do I Really Have to Graduate, or Can I Just Stay Here for the Rest of My Life?

Welp, there are two great things about college.  The first is that I can use words that don't exist, like "welp," and you'll just go with it.  The second is that I can make arbitrary lists and you all will try and find some deeper meaning in it.  Think for yourselves, Sheeple!!

This week was actually the first week where I actually felt like I was in college. First of all, as you guys should know if you follow me on facebook, I just had a  massive amount of homework. And by massive amount, I mean I had one paper due in humanities.  But gosh darn it, that was a paper I didn't want to write.  Plus, I had like four problems to do for Econ.  It was brutal.

Secondly, and this is the big one, I had my first college test this week.  It was all official and at the testing center and everything.  The test actually wasn't that bad. Finding it was.  I didn't know where the testing center was, but I wasn't going to ask for directions and look like a fool, so I had to look up a campus map and find the center on it.  Then when I got there, I didn't know what I was actually supposed to do.  And rather than ask one of the many people studying on the first floor and identify myself as a freshman, I instead opted to wander in front of them for thirty minutes... identifying myself as a freshman. Man, I love college.

I also cracked open the Hawaiian Punch Mom sent down this week.  It was amazing. I love drinking.

Along with that, I've reverted back to my diet of only quesadillas (and now Cup of Noodles, surprisingly good for a starving man), due to a lack of girls bringing me and rob food. I love women.

I'm actually glad I pushed off this post for a day.  I got this email about ten minutes ago from my chem professor, "There is an error in problem 4.78 part C of Assignment 12. The atomic number and mass number are reversed for the neutron. The mass number for a neutron is 1 and the atomic number is 0. -Bro Anderson", and then this one "Matt, Thank you for pointing this out to me.  I have sent an email to the class informing them of the problem. -Bro Anderson".  Not only does getting ahead in homework make it so I don't have do it at the last minute, it gives me first dibs on showing the professor I'm a genius.  Man, I love college.

Shout out for the week: Bubblehead (aka Bro Kennedy, aka Rob's dad) and his blog.  It's not written by one of my college buddies, so its probably a little more substantive than my previous shout outs, but hey, he sent some traffic my way and now I don't feel so bad. But check it out if your looking for something other than telling jokes/stories,  Boost my stats, then his.

It's been fun guys, see you next week (on Sunday, because I'm going to be responsible and do my homework on time).

Sunday, September 19, 2010

An Ode to Food (To the Tune of Yankee Doodle)

The message of this blog post will be slightly different from the others.  I felt very strongly that I needed to share with all those who read this an important lesson I learned this week.  And that was a lesson on the power of dibs...

The Scene: The shared room of two teenage boys, dimly lit except for the glow of two side by side laptops.  In the darkness you can see the outline of both men, waging war over the internet.  The room is immensely quiet save for the sounds of the keyboard and mice. [Enter Nate Garlick].
Nate: "Matt, you have some food waiting for you"
Matt Bird looks up, dazed for a moment as he struggles to comprehend the meaning of the words that have just been spoken.  He thinks back to the happenings of earlier in the day. [The scene shifts to the exact same room in the exact same conditions, just earlier in the day]
Matt: "Rob, check this out. One of our FHE sisters put up a facebook status saying she wants to give away some food"
Robert Kennedy: "Dude, get on that"
Matt: [typing on facebook] "DIBSSSSS"
[The scene shifts back to the room that time forgot, at the moment of Matt's comprehension]
Matt: "Oh!" He then begins making incomprehensible guttural noises (Seriously though, ask Rob, I was freaking out).  He bolts out the door, sees two Tupperware containers of spaghetti, and raises his fist to the air with such force that it's like he was trying to fist bump the Creator.  [Fade to black].

Yeahhhh boiii.  That's two, Aunt Juilana. And this was no skimpy helping of spaghetti, either. It lasted for my lunch the next day, mine and rob's dinner, and for our dinner the day after that.  It was awesome.

I think I'm starting to figure out what college is about.  It goes pretty much like this: Go to class, come home and try to survive by getting girls to bring you food.  And I know what you're all thinking... "Matt, you got girls to bring you food twice.  We know you have to cook for yourself or you'd be dead."  Well first off, stop it. This is my blog, I won't have you bringing it down with you're nay-saying. Secondly, yeah, we're able to provide the amount of calories needed to survive daily, but a diet of only quesadillas can't possibly be good for you, so we need the girls to supplement it. Duh.

In case you haven't realized, it was a pretty slow news week.  I got ahead in econ just in time for chemistry to catch up to me, so I've been spending some time doing that. I feel like there might be some other story i'm forgetting to tell you, but i'm tired and want to take a nap.  I just hope that any other parties involved in the story i'm neglecting either A.) Don't read my blog, or B.) Can forgive me.  Whatever.

As for my weekly shout out, Timmy Davis started a blog on the happenings at Idaho State (aka Heathenville).  And since i'm a good friend, I'll give you guys the link ( even though he couldn't be bothered to do the same.  What the crap, Tim?

Forever young,

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Remarkably Laborless Labor Day (and other things)

Do you guys remember how I started off my last post with an "I told you so"?  It turns out that sort of thing might actually be kinda rare.  As I write this, sitting in my bed and eating my pre-made burrito from Macey's, I'm already reminiscing about the glory days when the amounts of women, enchilada's, and Matt Bird's self esteem were high.  Those were the good old days.

So Monday was Labor Day, and being the awesome FHE group we are, we decided to take the opportunity to hike the Y.  And when I say "we," I mean "everyone but me and Rob."  We were sleeping.  Now before you guys get all judgmental on me, let me just say it wasn't my fault.  Nate Garlick, my roommate and elders quorum president, who up until this incident I thought was a standout and trustworthy guy, said he was going to wake us up.  And didn't. So Nate, if you're reading this, I'm definitely holding a grudge.

Also on the list of things to do on Labor Day was laundry.  Me and Rob, being the economical pennypinchers that we are, decided to wait until the last possible second to do our laundry, and were running pretty short on any form of clothing.  No biggie, we had a plan.  We would do our laundry on a day when nobody had school and obviously wouldn't be washing their own clothes, right? We hiked our significant pile of clothes and laundry detergent downstairs (luckily in what had to be the only lull of the day), only to find that we had forgotten to get quarters.  No problemo, the central building has a quarter machine.  We took the walk over, only to find out that contrary to our belief, everyone does laundry on labor day and the central building was out of quarters.  Fantastic.  What we ended up doing was putting our hampers full of dirty clothes in the storage cages in the basement of the dorms overnight, until we could actually clean them.  So try and visualize it: all of the other cages are filled with excess tv's, giant boxes, etc. and then there's mine and rob's dirty clothes.  Sweet.

The rest of the school week went pretty uneventfully.  I went to my first devotional where I found out that President Samuelson either hates his job or is physically incapable of smiling.  I used all of my free time (when I'm not paying attention in class) to get ahead in my homework, so I don't have to do anything for the next two weeks.  And I went to the women's soccer game.  That was brutal.  Being a soccer player, I never understood why people had such an aversion to the sport.  Keep in mind that the only soccer games I've watched are my younger siblings soccer/rugby mix and the World Cup.  I had no idea the sport was so boring.  It was mind numbing.  In fact there was more action in the pre-game battle to save seats then there was on the field.  Somehow getting saddled with the job of saving seats for the group of friends that I went with, I was in the stands a half hour early fighting off people left and right.  At one point, a girl tried to sneak into my chairs and, when I told her they were saved, looked me deep in the eyes and with all seriousness (completely deadpan) told me "You suck at saving seats."  And then left, utterly disproving her point.  The score ended up being 0-0, by the way.

Grandma and Grandpa came down on Friday, so I thought I'd give them a little shoutout.  It was way cool to see them again, plus they brought me Hawaiian Punch, so it was pretty much perfect.  G and G, you rock!

Speaking of shoutouts, I'm not afraid to shamelessly plug for my friends.  My good friend Alysa started her own blog about college over at so check it out.  It looks way cooler than mine, and could probably be a good thing to peruse while you're, you know, waiting for me to post something new. Just make sure she doesn't start getting more views than me.

Well guys, that's all she wrote for this week.
Matty boy, signing off

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Matt Bird: The Boy Whose Exploits Panicked a Nation

Bill Waterson is a freaking genius.  For those of you who don’t understand my title, it’s a reference to the iconic comic strip, Calvin and Hobbes.  In this comic, which I read religiously as a child (and yes, on the occasion, now), Calvin and his stuffed tiger Hobbes run around performing various antics while lamenting the ever-present presence of school, parents, girls, and any form of responsibility whatsoever.  Who better relates to my own life?  As I was preparing to enter college, Aunt Juilana asked me to write a blog so that my family could garner some entertainment from my shenanigans and, I assume, keep tabs on me.  Thus I present to you the story of Matt Bird, the dashing young man whose wild and crazy college life indeed panicked a nation.

So I've been here for a week and I figured it was about time that I got this thing up and running.  And what's better to start a blog with than a big fat "Told you so!"? Answer: nothing.  I want you guys to remember a certain time when we were at Grandma's sitting around the table and you laughed at me when I said I would survive off getting girls to bring me food.  Remember it?  Yeah, it happened.  Today we (me and my roommate Rob) were at ward prayer chatting up the ladies, you know how it is.  Eventually it was brought up that these fine ladies had spent their whole day cooking a glorious break the fast meal and that me and Rob had been too much of a failure to even feed ourselves.  We played a couple pity cards and before you know it, enchiladas, chicken, and rice were flowing into our dorm room. Count it.

In other news, the first week has been, from what I can see, pretty standard.  Class is going fine.  I'm rocking all my 100 level classes and getting way ahead in homework.  I hate my 200 level class, but that's because it's humanities and I hate analyzing art.  Church is going fine.  My FHE group is pretty cool, we're hiking the Y tomorrow and have some other pretty cool activities planned.  Today, church was insane.  Things were going pretty okay, we went to sacrament meeting where nothing eventful happened... Then there was Priesthood.  We were setting apart the quorum presidencies and next thing I knew, I was being sustained as elder's quorum secretary.  Apparently telling the person before you call them is a courtesy only followed everywhere that is not Utah.  Rob had even asked me if I had a calling before priesthood had started and it made things really awkward when they called my name.

Anyway, that's the first week in a nutshell.  BYU seems to be a pretty cool place, let's hope I survive it.  See ya'll (something I picked up from my Texan roomie) next week.
